
Membership Rules
- Any person who has served in the Royal Indian Navy, the Indian Navy including Short Service Commission and the Naval Reserves as a Commissioned Officer, is solvent and of sound mind, and has not been convicted by a Court of Law in a criminal case, shall be eligible to become a member of the Foundation and can apply for membership.
- Serving Naval Officers whilst holding the appointments of Chief of the Naval Staff, Principal Director of Ex-servicemen Affairs, Principal Director of Non-Public Funds, and Judge Advocate General shall be the ex-officio members of the Foundation with full voting rights.
Categories of Members
- Ordinary Members Any person who is eligible to become Member, may become an Ordinary Member for life on payment by him of the subscription as may be specified by the NFPC from time to time. For officers who have retired after Jan 2019, IHQ MoD (N) is directly deducting the membership fee from their retiring benefits and remitting the amount to NFPC through bank account.
- Honorary Members The Governing Council may at its’ discretion invite eminent persons interested in maritime affairs to become Honorary Members of the Foundation. The Foundation may also invite widows of naval officers to be the Honorary Members of the Foundation. Honorary Membership unless specified for a period will be for life. No subscription shall be payable.
- Members With Foreign Citizenship Indian Navy veterans with foreign citizenship will continue to be enrolled members of the Navy Foundation at any Chapter. The concerned Chapter is to seek security clearance from DNI for any such veterans in India, who wish to attend an event held in a Defence environment (eg. mess or service institution).
Membership Fee
A fee of Rs 2000/- shall be paid by the Indian Navy/DESA to the Navy Foundation, at the time of admission of a new member, to be retained by the respective Chapter in which membership is sought. In the event of the member moving from one Chapter to another, the full amount will continue to be retained by the old Chapter.
Voting Rights
Members shall have voting right at the General Body Meetings of the Chapters. Honorary members and members with foreign citizenship may attend such meetings, but shall have no rights to vote.
Cessation Of Membership
The membership of any person shall stand automatically terminated on his/her death or resignation.
The Executive Council shall be entitled to terminate the membership of any person, if a resolution is passed by it that a member has acted in a manner prejudicial to the aims and objects of the Foundation. The membership shall stand terminated from a date as specified in the resolution or from the date of passing of the resolution if no such date is stated.
In addition, the Executive Council may order the termination of membership of any person, if it is satisfied that:-
- He/she has been found to be of unsound mind by a court of law, or
- He/she has been convicted by a criminal court of an offence involving moral turpitude, or
- He/she has been declared insolvent by a court of law.
A person whose membership has been terminated or who has resigned may be required to pay the subscription again if his re-admission is approved by the Executive Council.
Application for Membership of NFPC
All naval veterans who fulfill the eligibility criteria above can avail of NFPC Membership by downloading the application form below, taking a printout, filling in the blanks, signing it and sending it to IHQ MoD (Navy)/DNV either by post or as a scanned copy by email to this link.
Registration on NFPC Website
All NFPC members can also register on the NFPC website, wherein they will have access to information not available to the general public, such as guidebooks, policy letters, aide memoires, minutes of meetings and much more. They can also contribute their views through blog posts for the benefit of other members. All they need to do is fill up a simple online registration form.