Master Folder
Death is a certainty for all of us. While we hope that all veterans will be able to live long and fulfilling lives, it is also a fact that some of us may have to depart this world a little earlier. Whatever be the case, it is a best practice to plan for when that day will come – whether expectedly or otherwise. We will not be around, but our near and dear ones should not have to run from pillar to post to settle our affairs.
It is, therefore, a best practice to keep all important original documents in a central Master Folder, which should remain in a safe and secure location, either in the veteran’s house or a Safe Deposit Locker. In the unfortunate event of the veteran’s death, the spouse / dependents should be able to access the Master Folder for retrieving and producing any document whenever required. In addition to the originals, it is also a good idea to keep notarised true copies of each document, some of which such as PPO would be required to be submitted with applications for transmission of financial assets, family pension, PRDIES claim, etc. Documents can also be scanned and uploaded to a secure digital locker such as the Govt of India Digilocker website/app for ready referral when required. An indicative list of documents that may be kept in the Master Folder is below.
- Will
- Cumulative Time Deposits of Bank/Post Office, PPF etc.
- Birth Certificate.
- Motor car/scooter RC book, insurance policies and PUC certificates.
- Income Tax/Wealth Tax files.
- LIC, GIC, Health/Mediclaim/Fire/Household Accident policy documents.
- PPO.
- Property papers such as Transfer Deed, Ownership / Rental Agreement, Society Share Certificate, Property Tax receipts, etc.
- Telephone file- first original Bill, wherein rent equivalent to 12 months has been retained as security deposit, should be preserved.
- Deposit receipt for Gas/Electricity/Water etc.
- Passport, Driving License, Identity Card, ECHS Card, Canteen Smart Card, Sainik Board Ex-Servicemen Identity Card, Club/Institute membership cards etc (photocopies of these to be kept separately).
- Medical file, including relevant test reports and medication taken regularly.
- Files containing investment documents such as Share Certificates (if not dematted) and Mutual Funds monthly statements.
- Pending litigation papers and court decision, if any.
- Details of loans, if any, taken for House-building/purchase of car etc and their repayment schedule.
- Details of Credit Cards with dates of validity.
- Any other matter of interest to your family/NOK