SGM and C-in-C WNC Interaction with NFPC

VAdm Dinesh Tripathi AVSM NM, the Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Western Naval Command, interacted with veterans of the Navy Foundation Pune Chapter at the RSAMI Pune on 24 Aug 2023. He thanked the veterans for their contributions, both whilst in uniform and as veterans in service of the Indian Navy, our nation and society. He updated the naval veterans about various ongoing operations, admin and HR activities/ focus areas of the Navy and other initiatives with respect to ex-servicemen affairs. He assured them of the full support of the Navy in resolving all issues related to Sparsh, ECHS and other matters that concerned the veterans.

VAdm Ajay Kochhar, AVSM NM, Commandant NDA, Cmde S Supradeepan, LOIC, NAVPEN and Cdr Sravan Sekhar, Cd Welfare Officer also attended the function as guests of honour.

The interaction was preceded by a Special General Body Meeting of the NFPC to discuss and ratify the Working Rules of the NFPC.

Some photos of the event may be seen here. The Minutes of the SGM have been uploaded and may be viewed on this page.