ESM Cards

ESM Identity Card

The ESM Identity Card is a prerequisite for availing the benefits of the welfare schemes instituted under the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund vide Govt of India / MoD SRO 7E dated 13 Apr 1993. The ZSWO is also authorised to issue identity cards to Ex-Servicemen which is made out on filling up an application form provided by the ZSWO, in addition to the online procedure described below, and attaching the following:-

Note : While submitting the attested copies of the above, originals are also to be carried by the Ex-Serviceman and furnished on request for verification.

Revised Procedure for Issue of Service Certificate

ZSWO has intimated that without a Service Booklet issued by DESA/NHQ, it will not be able to issue Zila Sainik Officer Identity Card or an NOC or Property Tax Exemption Certificate. In future too, an Identity Card issued by ZSWO would be required for availing canteen facilities and other welfare schemes. All Veterans & Veer Naaris are, therefore, advised to get their ZSWO Identity cards made by first obtaining the Service Certificate booklet from DESA/NHQ, the procedure for which may be seen here.

Online Application for ESM/Dependent I-Card

As mentioned in the para on ‘Registration of ESM’, the application for the issue of ESM I-Card has now been enabled as an online facility. For this, the ESM has to first register on the KSB site, using the procedure described earlier and then log in to the site, which will take the ESM to a dashboard page. This provides menu options for the ESM to apply for a new I-Card as well as other applicable benefits. Once the ESM clicks on the ‘Apply for New I-Card’ button, he/she will be taken to another form page, where a few details have already been filled in (based on the information provided at the time of registration), while a few additional details will be required. The ESM would also have to upload his/her passport photo, Certificate of Service, PPO and Proof of Address, all of which should be 1 MB or less in size. Once all details are submitted, a report of the completed form appears and the application is shown as ‘Pending Approval by ZSB.’ The report has to be printed out and signed and thereafter taken to the ZSB by the ESM, along with the filled ZSWO application form and documents mentioned above for completing the process. The ESM can also apply for dependent I-Cards following a similar process.

Amendment – Guidelines on issue of I-Cards to Dependents of ESM

KSB Sectt letter No 061/Policy/Gen PolNol-I dated 03 Aug 2018 was issued as a guideline for the issue of I-Cards to dependents of ESM. KSB has since issued an amendment to the letter in Apr 2023 which can be viewed by clicking here.

New Retired Officers’ Identity Cards (ROIC) (issued by Indian Navy)

A new format of ROIC has been promulgated by the Indian Navy which contains some additional information vis-a-vis the existing (old) card. The procedure for applying for the new ROIC by is as follows:-

The changeover to the new format of ROIC will be undertaken free of cost as a one time measure only on the surrender of the old ROIC. The new ROIC, once made, may be collected in person (with prior appointment) or the officers may opt for the same to be forwarded to them by post. INS Kunjali/ NPM(WNC) has commenced issuance of new ROIC w.e.f 01 May 22.

Dependent / Spouse / Veer Naari Identity Card (issued by Indian Navy)

For making a dependent / spouse / Veer Naari Identity Card, the following documents are required: –

For the first time issue of the Spouse / Veer Naari card, a self-declaration is also required stating reasons for not making the Dependent Card so far. In this case, the filled up form along with the covering letter is to be sent to IHQ MoD (Navy)/DDOP (OA &R), Tel no: 011-23010397 by Speed post for verification and attestation with a copy to ‘The CO (for RO), INS Angre, SBS Road, Mumbai-4000023.Tel no: 022-22752281.’ Once the application is verified and approved by IHQ MoD (Navy), the approval letter will be sent to CO Angre with a copy endorsed to the applicant.

ECHS Smart Card

All members of ECHS and their dependents are issued a 64 KB ‘Smart card’ called “ECHS membership card” with inbuilt security features. It contains a 64 Kb chip that has the details of the veteran and his / her dependents including their medical history. Production of this card is a mandatory requirement when availing treatment either at the ECHS Polyclinic or at Empanelled Hospital/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic centres. A person NOT producing his card for identification cannot be provided treatment. After retirement, it may take a few months for the smart card to be issued. During this period, the Temporary Slip with all the particulars of the veteran, spouse, and dependents can be used for treatment. Once ready for collection, the RC ECHS will send an SMS to the registered mobile number of the veteran. The veteran can then collect the ECHS cards of him/herself, spouse and dependents from RC ECHS, Ghorpadi (near HQ Pune Sub Area / National War Memorial) and activate them at the nearest ECHS Polyclinic.

Canteen Smart Card
Issue of Canteen Smart Card

All serving personnel are to apply for ESM Canteen Smart Cards prior to their retirement. Recently, a facility has been created to apply for CSD Smart Cards online and get the card delivered to the residence. To apply go to the website, fill up the form and make the payment online. Thereafter CSD Cards will be delivered within 7-20 days by courier service directly to your home address. The status of your application can be also tracked online. All those who are applying for the first time or reapplying are to apply online only. These canteen smart cards were previously required to be renewed every year at the parent URC through CIMS to prove that the veteran is alive and continues to be eligible for canteen facilities. However, with effect from 01 Jan 2023, it has been decided by Army HQs to discontinue this practice. For more details click here.

Loss of Canteen Smart Cards

In case of the loss of Canteen Smart Card (Grocery/Liquor) by a veteran, the following penalties will be levied in addition to costs of Smart Card and the penalty amount will be merged with the URC profit:-

First TimeRs. 500/-Rs. 500/-
Second and subsequent TimeRs. 1000/-Rs. 1000/-